职称: 助理教授
2024–至今 ,必赢bwin线路检测中心,必赢bwin线路检测中心,准聘助理教授
Ocean Visions海洋环境非营利组织,科学顾问
· 关键地球物质循环前沿科学中心“GeoX”交叉项目,青年学者项目,增强海洋碱度碳封存的矿物学和生物化学效应研究,2024 – 2027,15万,主持
· 必赢bwin线路检测中心中央高校前沿交叉项目,深海沉积磷的物质来源、通量与物相转化研究,2024 – 2026,60万,共同负责人
· 国家重点研发计划,西北太平洋生物碳泵的氮磷铁调控及演变趋势(PIN-Pump),2024 – 2029,项目骨干
· 关键地球物质循环前沿科学中心“GeoX”交叉项目,重点项目,基于碱度强化的蓝碳人工增汇研究,2023 – 2026,100万,项目骨干(可支配额度62.5万元)
· 美国Grantham环境基金,博士后基金,12540314,Scaling Calcium Carbonate Dissolution to Demonstrate Safe, Permanent Carbon Sequestration at the Caltech Power Plant,2018-12至2023-12, 150万,主持
· 美国National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Sea Grant海洋基金,2018年,30万,主持
2024年 国家自然科学基金共享航次青年首席培训计划
2023年 江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程
2019-2022年 Grantham Foundation环境基金博士后基金
2014-2019年 Dornsife Doctoral Fellowship
2014年 必赢bwin线路检测中心优秀本科毕业论文
2013年 李四光优秀老员工奖(全国五人,排名1st/5)
2011-2012年 江苏省三好员工
2010-2011年 国家奖学金
1. Dong S., Xing T., Zhao L.*, Zhu C., Yao X., Zhao S., Teng H. (2023). Physical and Chemical Effects of H2O on Mineral Carbonation Reactions in Supercitical CO2. Applied Geochemistry, 155, 105668.(Editor’s Choice主编精选)
2. Subhas A. V.*, Pavia F. J.*, Dong S.*, Lam P.J. (2023). Global Trends in the Distribution of Biogenic Minerals in the Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(2), e2022JC019470.
3. Dong S.*, Wang T. X.*, Subhas A. V., Pavia F. J., Adkins J. F., Berelson W. M. (2022). Depth Profiles of Suspended Carbon and Nitrogen along a North Pacific Transect: Concentrations, Isotopes, and Ratios. Limnology & Oceanography, 67(1), 247-260.
4. Dong S.*, Berelson W. M., Teng H., Rollins N. E., Pirbadian S., El-Naggar M., Adkins J. F. (2020). A Mechanistic Study of Carbonic Anhydrase Enhanced Calcite Dissolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(19), e2020GL089244.
5. Dong S.*, Berelson W. M., Adkins J. F., Rollins N. E., Naviaux J. D., Pirbadian S., El-Naggar M., Teng H. (2020). An Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Calcite Dissolution in Seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 283, 40-53.
6. Dong S.*, Berelson W. M., Rollins N. E., Subhas A. V., Naviaux J. D., Celestian A. J., Liu X., Turaga N., Kemnitz N., Byrne R., Adkins J. F. (2019). Aragonite Dissolution Rates and Calcite/Aragonite Ratios in Sinking and Suspended Particles in the North Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 515, 1-12.
7. Dong S.*, Subhas A. V., Rollins N. E., Naviaux J. D., Adkins J. F., Berelson W. M. (2018). A Kinetic Pressure Effect on Calcite Dissolution in Seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 238, 411-423.
8. Liang H., Lunstrum A.*, Dong S., Berelson W. M., John S. G. (2023). Constraining CaCO3 Export and Dissolution with an Ocean Alkalinity Inverse Model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37(2), e2022GB007535.
9. Cetiner J. E. P.*, Berelson W. M., Rollins N. E., Barnhart H. A., Liu X., Dong S., Byrne R., Adkins J. F. (2023). Novel Device to Collect Deep-sea Porewater In Situ: Focus on Benthic Carbonate Chemistry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 21(2), 82-97.
10. Steiner Z.*, Rae J. W. B., Berelson W. M., Adkins J. F., Hou Y., Dong S., Lampronti G., Liu X., Achterberg E. P., Subhas A. V., Turchyn A. V. (2022). Authigenic Formation of Clay Minerals in the Abyssal North Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, e2021GB007270.
11. Subhas A. V.*, Dong S., Naviaux J. D., Rollins N. E., Ziveri P., Gray W., Rae J. W. B., Liu X., Byrne R., Chen S., Moore C., Martell-Bonet L., Steiner Z., Antler G., Hu H., Lunstrum A., Hou Y., Kemnitz N., Stutsman J., Pallacks S., Dugenne M., Quay P. D., Berelson W. M., Adkins J. F. (2022). Shallow calcium carbonate cycling in the North Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36(5), e2022GB007388.(Editor’s Highlights,封面文章)
12. Zhang M., Zhao L.*, Li G., Zhu C., Dong S., Li Z., Tang C., Ji J., Chen J. (2021). Microbially Induced Magnesium Carbonate Precipitation and its Potential Application in Combating Desertification. Geomicrobiology Journal, 1-11.
13. Adkins J. F.*, Naviaux J. D., Subhas A. V., Dong S., Berelson W. M. (2020). The Dissolution Rate of CaCO3 in the Ocean. Annual Review of Marine Science, 13, 57-80.
14. Subhas A. V.*, Adkins J. F., Dong S., Rollins N. E., Berelson W. M. (2020). The Carbonic Anhydrase Activity of Sinking and Suspended Particles in the North Pacific Ocean. Limnology & Oceanography, 65(3), 637-651.
15. Naviaux J. D.*, Subhas A. V., Dong S., Rollins N. E., Liu X., Byrne R., Berelson W. M., Adkins J. F. (2019). Calcite Dissolution Rates in Seawater: Lab vs. In Situ Measurements and Inhibition by Organic Matter. Marine Chemistry, 215, 103684.
16. Torres M. A.*, Dong S., Nealson K., West J. A. (2019). The Kinetics of Siderophore-mediated Olivine Dissolution. Geobiology, 17(4), 401-416.
17. Naviaux J. D.*, Subhas A. V., Rollins N. E., Dong S., Berelson W. M., Adkins J. F. (2019). Temperature Dependence of Calcite Dissolution Kinetics in Seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 246, 363-384.
18. Subhas A. V.*, Rollins N. E., Berelson W. M., Dong S., Erez J., Adkins J. F. (2015). A Novel Determination of the Dissolution Kinetics of Inorganic Calcite in Seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 170, 51-68.
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