职称: 助理教授
2018-2022 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,博士,材料科学与工程
2014-2018 必赢bwin线路检测中心,学士,物理(匡亚明学院)
2024-至今 必赢bwin线路检测中心,助理教授(准聘)
2022-2024 麻省理工学院,博士后,机械工程
2015-2017 拔尖计划特等奖学金
2015 国家奖学金
1. Guangxin Lv†, Yaodong Tu†, James H. Zhang and Gang Chen*. "Photomolecular Effect: Visible Light Interaction with Air–water Interface" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121.18 (2024): e2320844121.
2. Guangxin Lv†, Chengtian Shen†, Naisong Shan, Elynn Jensen, Christopher M. Evans* and David G. Cahill*. "Giant Odd-even Effect in the Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Crystalline Epoxy Resin with Precise Linker Lengths" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119.46 (2022): e2211151119.
3. Bin Zhu†, Guoliang Liu†, Guangxin Lv†, Yu Mu, Yunlei Zhao, Yuxi Wang, Xiuqiang Li, Pengcheng Yao, Yu Deng, Yi Cui and Jia Zhu*. "Minimized Lithium Trapping by Isovalent Isomorphism for High Initial Coulombic Efficiency of Silicon Anodes" Science advances 5.11 (2019): eaax0651.
4. Guangxin Lv, Xiaoru Li, Max Walde, Bhaskar Soman, Christopher M. Evans*, and David G. Cahill*. "Dynamic Covalent Bonds in Vitrimers Enable 1.0 W/(m K) Intrinsic Thermal Conductivity" Macromolecules (2023), 56(4): 1554-1561.
5. Guangxin Lv†, Bhaskar Soman†, Naisong Shan, Christopher M. Evans*, David G. Cahill* "Effect of Linker Length and Temperature on the Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene Dynamic Networks" ACS Macro Letters, 10.9 (2021): 1088-1093.
6. Guangxin Lv†, Elynn Jensen†, Christopher M. Evans, and David G. Cahill*. "High Thermal Conductivity Semicrystalline Epoxy Resins with Anthraquinone-Based Hardeners" ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 3.9 (2021): 4430-4435.
7. Guangxin Lv†, Elynn Jensen†, Naisong Shan, Yang, Christopher M. Evans, and David G. Cahill*. "Effect of Aromatic/Aliphatic Structure and Cross-Linking Density on the Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Resins" ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 3.3 (2021): 1555–1562.
8. Guangxin Lv, Elynn Jensen, Chengtian Shen, Kexin Yang, Christopher M. Evans, and David G. Cahill*. "Effect of Amine Hardener Molecular Structure on the Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Resins" ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 3.1 (2021): 259–267.
9. Guangxin Lv†, Bin Zhu†, Xiuqiang Li, Chuanlu Chen, Jinlei Li, Yan Jin, Xiaozhen Hu, and Jia Zhu*. "Simultaneous Perforation and Doping of Si Nanoparticles for Lithium-ion Battery Anode" ACS applied materials & interfaces 9.51 (2017): 44452-44457.
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